We offer a variety of weekly classes and events for dogs of all ages, sizes, and all experience levels are welcome.
Our instructor comes from a diverse background and offers dog households a range of approaches to the animal-human bond and behavior struggles.
Puppy and Adult Classes offered at the Facility, any online platform and Agri Feed Pet Supply Store allow your dog to develop a canine and human social savviness that is so important so that you can enjoy your dog in our human world. One hour Private Dog Behavior Classes offered at the Facility or any online platform will focus on specific behavior struggles, teaching basic and advanced dog obedience including loose leash walking.
We offer dog training instruction primarily through the Facility, any online platform and Agri Feed Pet Supply Store, but occasionally we will have special Workshops, Events and Seminars in different locations.
Dog Training Classes or Single Dog Behavior Classes at the Facility.

- That would like to have a good behaved fun dog
- That would like their dog to learn manners
- That would like their dog to overcome its Behavior Challenges
- That needs basic or advanced obedience
Class topics include but not limited to:
- Shy/ Reactive dogs
- Concept basic and advanced obedience
- Workshops, Events, Seminars
- Concept Games including Leash Manners
- Fun Agility, Fun Sniffing class
- Natural Health/Nutrition class
- American Kennel Club classes and test
6 Classes at the Facility $400.00
Single Class at the Facility $120.00
Class Options: Aggression/Fear Class at the Facility: $160
Agri Feed Pet Supply Presents: Positive Reinforcement Training Classes
6 x 60 minute fun filled classes taught by Manuela Connatser. Classes will meet once a week on Saturday from 10:00am to 11:00am and 11.30am to 12.30pm. The final class will include a graduation ceremony, party (with a doggie cake) and party favors sponsored by Agri Feed Pet Supply. These classes are ongoing, click the link below to select the appropriate date.
Small, personalized, dog training classes at Agri Feed Pet Supply to help promote hands-on dog training which includes the following:
- Basic Obedience cues: come, sit, down, stand, stay, wait, leave it and look.
- Proper socialization and good manners i.e. (chewing, biting, nipping, jumping)
- Crate Training
- Potty Training
- Leash Training
$199.99 + tax
6-Week Dog Beginner Obedience Class (ages 8 weeks+)
- Crate Training
- Potty Training
- Leash Training